rePLANt was at the General Members Meeting of the Competence Centre for Pinus pinaster (CCPB), which took place at Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, on January 12. Invited by the organising committee, the rePLANt team has showed the work previously presented at the 9th National Forestry Congress, entitled “New technologies for expeditious forest inventory, using smartphone applications”.
Developed within the scope of the rePLANt project, this work involved the apps testing, in representative Pinus pinaster and eucalyptus plantations, available on the market for collecting dendrometric forest data, in an expeditious manner and using smartphone apps.
Previous results show that this method of forest inventory in Portugal has great potential for use, especially regarding maritime pine forests.
At this stage of the project, the business model for the commercialisation of the application licences tested by rePLANt in Portugal is under development. CoLAB ForestWISE is the consortium partner responsible for this activity.