Management Results
New technologies for expeditious forest inventory
ForestWISE CoLAB’s presentation was based on the forest inventory, a process that consists in evaluating what exists in the forest with a view to making a set of decisions.
It is this work that allows us to know the number of trees or the amount of wood in an area, to understand its value. The conventional method is costly and requires specialized equipment and technical knowledge, but there are currently applications for cell phones, accessible to anyone, that allow the forest inventory to be done in a simple and less expensive way.

Thus, research was made on what already exists on the market, comparing with conventional methods in order to find those that can be used in our forests, accessible to forest owners and other agents.
During these days there was a trial of data collection using KATAM with the presence of a technician from Sweden, as well as a demonstration, which allowed to understand the operation of the application and collect the first data to compare with conventional forest inventory processes.