News about rePLANT

5.6 ME project brings together 20 entities with products that reduce the risk of fire, Lusa
The rePlant project, led by Navigator and ForestWise, has an investment of 5.6 million euros and involves 20 entities linked to the development of products

5.6 ME project brings together 20 entities with products that reduce the risk of fire, Sapo 24
The rePlant project, led by Navigator and ForestWise, has an investment of 5.6 million euros and involves 20 entities linked to the development of products

5.6 ME project brings together 20 entities with products that reduce the risk of fire, Impala
The rePlant project, led by Navigator and ForestWise, has an investment of 5.6 million euros and involves 20 entities linked to the development of products

5.6 ME project brings together 20 entities with products that reduce the risk of fire, Sapo
The rePlant project, led by Navigator and ForestWise, has an investment of 5.6 million euros and involves 20 entities linked to the development of products

5.6 ME project brings together 20 entities with products that reduce the risk of fire, Visão
The rePlant project, led by Navigator and ForestWise, has an investment of 5.6 million euros and involves 20 entities linked to the development of products

rePLANT shows how technology can add value to the forest, Vida Rural
The rePLANT collaborative project developed, over three years, the use of new “intelligent” implements for the forest, robotics in forest cleaning operations, new smartphone applications,